
Organizing Committee (2020)

General Chair

Nick Roy, MIT

Program Chairs

Jens Kober, TU Delft

Fabio Ramos, NVIDIA, University of Sydney

Claire Tomlin, UC Berkeley

Local Chair

Alberto Rodriguez, MIT

Publications Chair

Cynthia Matuszek, UMBC

Publicity Chair

Animesh Garg, University of Toronto

Video Proceedings Chairs

Krista Reymann and Benjamin Narin, Google

Web Chair

Valentin Peretroukhin, MIT


Chair: Victoria Preston, with Michael Noseworthy, Katherine Liu, MIT
Advisors: Victoria Edwards, Marwa ElDiwiny  

Paper Awards

Tucker Hermans, University of Utah
Aleksandra Faust, Google Brain
Rudolph Triebel, TUM

Steering Committee

Abhinav Gupta, CMU

Aude Billard, EPFL

Dieter Fox, University of Washington, NVIDIA

J. Andrew Bagnell, CMU

Jan Peters, TU Darmstadt

Joelle Pineau, McGill University

Ken Goldberg, UC Berkeley

Leslie P. Kaelbling, MIT

Michael I. Jordan, UC Berkeley

Minoru Asada, Osaka University

Paul Newman, Oxford

Peter Corke, QUT

Pieter Abbeel, UC Berkeley

Raia Hadsell, DeepMind

Sergey Levine, UC Berkeley

Stefan Schaal, USC

Stefanie Tellex, Brown University

Vincent Vanhoucke, Google

Wolfram Burgard, University of Freiburg

Area Chairs

Aaron Ames, Caltech

Abdeslam Boularias, Rutgers University

Abhinav Valada, University of Freiburg

Aleksandra Faust, Google Brain

Anirudha Majumdar, Princeton University

Brendan Englot, Stevens Institute of Technology

Bryan Kian Hsiang Low, National University of Singapore 

Dingsheng Luo, Peking University

Dorsa Sadigh, Stanford

Elaine Short, Tufts University

Elmar Rueckert, University Luebeck

Florian Shkurti, University of Toronto

Gerhard Neumann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Hanna Kurniawati, Australian National University

Huaping Liu, Tsinghua University

Jeannette Bohg, Stanford

Joel Burdick, Caltech

Joseph J Lim, USC

Karol Hausman, Google Brain

Koushil Sreenath, Berkeley

Manuel Lopes, Instituto Tecnico Superior

Matthew Walter, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

Melanie Zeilinger, ETH Zurich

Nicola Bezzo, University of Virginia

Nikolay A Atanasov, University of California, San Diego

Pulkit Agrawal, UC Berkeley

Rudolph Triebel, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Somil Bansal, UC Berkeley

Stefan Leutenegger, Imperial College London

Tucker Hermans, University of Utah

Wei Pan, TU Delft

Wulong Liu, Huawei Noah's Ark Lab

Xin Xu, National University of Defense Technology

Yoav Artzi, Cornell University

Yuke Zhu, University of Texas - Austin